The Impact of Parameterized Activation Functions in Physics-Oriented Neural Networks
A research project for a graduate course in mathematics - MAT1510: Deep Learning Theory and Data Science.
A research project for a graduate course in mathematics - MAT1510: Deep Learning Theory and Data Science.
A research project for a graduate course in computer science - CSC2529: Computational Imaging.
A self-driven research project undertaken as a research intern at the Vector Institute under Dr. Rahul Krishnan
Using word embeddings to learn a descriptive feature space to automatically annotate unlabelled clusters
Using the Kolmogorov-Arnold network capacity for symbolic equation decomposition to understand the phenomena of adversarial training
A project completed under Prof. Steve Engels, designing a hyper casual mathematics game for reinforcing arithmetic skills in children
Discovering whether there are more efficient implementations by first researching whether similarity measures on dependency trees are a good measure of semantic equivalence between sentences.
A sentiment analysis based project aimed at understanding political satisfaction during COVID-19 through scraping and studying reddit data
An evaluation of Proximal Policy Optimisation on procedurally generated video game environments
Exploring using a probability threshold and a feedback loop to create a dynamically deep neural network with the ability to say ‘I don’t know’
A research project in collaboration with Patrik Reizinger on unlearning in contrastive self-supervised models
Exploring the use of autoregressive models in simulations
A study into whether the data-augmentation and completion mechanisms of self-supervised models allow them to unlearn data themselves
Conducted during my time at the RNALab under Dr. Artem Babaian. Studying the metadata in the sequence read archive using text embeddings and unsupervised learning.
Exploring the use of freeze maps to use stable diffusion to generate audio in real time
Studied ways to use QLoRa fine-tuning for LLMs with small theatrical datasets
Discovering how to manipulate old stored latents for generation of images consistent with the current latents
Using a learned probability distribution to select interesting states for reinforcement learning trajectories to start from